Sleeping on an empty stomach is dangerous for your health and figure.
Experts believe that going to bed on an empty stomach is absolutely not allowed. This can undermine health and lead to weight gain.
In order to lose weight, many people go to desperate measures. For example, they go to bed, ignoring hunger, which makes itself felt every now and then. But experts forbid doing so, because it greatly spoils your health, for the following reasons:
Cause #1. Insomnia will begin, since an empty stomach will not allow you to sleep long and soundly.
Cause #2. This will lead to a lack of nutrients, magnesium, vitamins B12 and D.
Cause #3. Metabolic disorders will begin, since night hunger will negatively affect cholesterol and insulin levels, and will also disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Cause #4. Hunger will force the body to accumulate even more fat, which will lead to weight gain.
Cause #5. The feeling of hunger will worsen your mood, so over time apathy may appear.
Nutritionists advise you never to skip dinner and eat calmly in the evening. However, you shouldn't rely on fatty and high-calorie foods.
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