Sleeping with earplugs: the doctor explained how it can endanger health

Using earplugs is not dangerous, but if a person sleeps in them every night, it can pose a certain threat to his health, warns British doctor Jeff Foster.

Earplugs are designed to be inserted into the ear canal and protect against exposure to loud sounds. For people who are sensitive to noise, this accessory can be a real lifesaver, but doctors do not recommend using it on a permanent basis.

“Sleeping with earplugs every night can lead to irreversible damage,” said the doctor in an interview. Jeff Foster.

Talking about the health risks of regular sleep in earplugs, the specialist clarified: if they are used continuously for a long time, earwax can penetrate deep into the ear canal, in which it also begins to accumulate over time. The result of this process can be tinnitus (noise in the ears) and hearing loss.

In addition, the habit of using earplugs can contribute to the development of an ear infection – this happens due to the penetration of bacteria into the ear canal, which get on the earplugs from human hands and multiply on their surface. According to the doctor, long-term use of one pair of earplugs without cleaning and washing them seriously increases the risk of infection.

“Ear infection, if it occurs, is important to quickly diagnose and treat, otherwise it can lead to a deterioration in quality hearing or even loss of hearing,” emphasizes Dr. Foster.

Another health problem that is possible due to constant sleeping with earplugs is otitis externa, in which the ear canal becomes painful and inflamed. In turn, their too deep introduction creates a threat of hitting the eardrum, as a result of which there may be a sharp deterioration of hearing, dizziness, and an attack of vomiting.

The doctor advises to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the “ear plugs”, to clean and wash them regularly insert them into the ears with thoroughly washed hands, do not push too deeply. Also, you should not use them immediately after a shower or a bath, when the ear is wet – this threatens the retention of water in the ear canal and the development of otitis externa.

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Author: alex

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