Slows down aging processes: what is the benefit of one unusual cereal

Using green buckwheat more useful than eating a variety of this cereal that is familiar to many. This was stated by a nutritionist.

“Green buckwheat is the same buckwheat grain, only without heat treatment, due to which it does not lose vitamins,” the specialist explained. – That's why green buckwheat is more useful than ordinary brown buckwheat.”

“It has a lot of fiber, so it promotes digestive processes and is well absorbed by the body, – said the nutritionist. “Contains antioxidants.” According to the specialist, this “positively affects the state of the body”, as well as “improves the state of the immune system” and “slows down the aging process”.

The nutritionist added that green buckwheat contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. “(Green buckwheat. – ed.) normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, gives satiety, improves metabolism,” the expert emphasized. With caution, this cereal should be used by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract – according to a nutritionist, green buckwheat can lead to increased gas formation in the intestines.

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Author: alex

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