Soil thermometer: at what temperature to plant plants

Most gardeners, planting those or other plants are guided by a calendar that indicates favorable and unfavorable days. But the weather often makes its adjustments, and therefore it is better to measure the soil temperature yourself and, based on this, decide on the planting date.


To measure the temperature, you can buy soil thermometers in specialized stores. And you can go another way – through analysis. For example, if the soil is covered with a carpet of small weeds, then this is a signal that everything can be planted. Of course, you need to know the optimal temperatures for each plant.

Onions, radishes, and radishes do not need special heat, but they can die in the long-term cold.

Kvass, spinach, dill sprout at a temperature of +3-5 degrees, but +15-20 is necessary for active growth.

Pepper and tomatoes are heat-loving. For seed germination, they need a temperature of +20-25 degrees. And if the temperature drops to 0-2 degrees, the plants die.

Carrots and cabbage are more hardened. Their seeds germinate at +3-4 degrees, because the optimal temperature is +15-20.

Cucumbers feel comfortable at a temperature of 22-28 degrees, although seeds germinate at +13-15.

For sowing zucchini, pumpkins, +10-12 degrees is enough, but for plants it should be +25-30. Beans will sprout only at +15, but if it gets cold and it rains, the seeds will simply rot in the soil. Beans will grow at +18-22 degrees.

So, knowing the comfortable temperatures for each plant, focusing on the thermometer – weeds and the forecasters, you can hope for a successful sowing campaign in your garden!

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Author: alex

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