Some diets cause the body to store fat
After a low-calorie diet, many people regain weight weight And the point here is not a lack of willpower or bad eating habits, because this happens because the body seeks to return to the already set amount of fat.
If after losing weight on a mono-diet and return to the usual, then you can gain twice as much fat than before. The human body is a balanced system where old cells are replaced by new ones.
If you stop the process of changing cells or hinder it, it will have a negative effect on the body. That's why it's important to get a variety of nutrients every day. No food product contains the full range of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs.
The ketogenic diet is considered healthy and effective for those who want to lose excess weight. It is popular because it contains a small amount of carbohydrates and a lot of fat. Because of it, the liver is also subjected to a huge load.
One of the most dangerous diets is the one based on the consumption of only juices and smoothies. With such a diet, the body's energy is not wasted due to the intake of already processed food. It is better to eat whole fruits or vegetables.
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