Some products should be avoided at the age of 65: doctor
In an interview with a therapist and a nutritionist, “some foods” were named that should not be consumed by people over the age of 65.
The doctor advised people over the age of 65 not to consume processed red meat, as well as more strictly control the amount of animal fat eaten.
You should try to give up semi-finished products, all kinds of sausages, sausages, cutlets, hamburgers. It is desirable to reduce the amount of animal fats: cheese and butter should be in the diet, but it should be in moderate, limited amounts,” the therapist said in the conversation.
Another product that should be consumed by the elderly only moderately, – salt. The doctor reminded that food products often contain so-called hidden salt, the presence of which is not obvious in them – for example, it is bread, the same confectionery, dairy products.
“Salt retains fluid in the body, leads to an increase pressure and, as a result, there is a risk of stroke or heart attack,” said the specialist.
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