Some raw vegetables lead to urolithiasis

Doctor- a nutritionist talked about health problems that can provoke raw vegetables. When using some plant products, the development of urolithiasis can begin.

This disease can be provoked by spinach, arugula, radish and cabbage. Eating them raw can lead to the formation of oxalate stones in the body.

It is the main cause of urolithiasis. It appears due to a violation of the production of thyroid hormones.

The doctor advises not to consume the named vegetables in large quantities in raw form. However, she points out that these foods don't have to be baked or stewed. For safe and healthy use, they can be steamed. For example, you can add spinach to an omelette.

However, each person may have their own peculiarities of the body. In order not to harm your health, you need to consult a doctor and determine the diet.

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Author: alex

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