Sour cream vs. mayonnaise: a nutritionist named the best dressing for salads
In Ukraine, sour cream and mayonnaise are used to dress salads, meat and fish dishes. Nutritionist Nataliya Denisova resolved a long-standing dispute between lovers of each of the two products, naming their advantages and disadvantages.
Sour cream contains probiotics that improve stomach function and strengthen immunity. Its composition includes vitamins and proteins – substances that act as a building material for creating muscles. The main danger of sour cream is the presence of fats. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the intake of this product.
Mayonnaise is created on the basis of vegetable oil with the addition of egg yolk, mustard, vinegar, salt and other ingredients. This product is rich in vitamin E and beneficial fatty acids that improve skin condition and overall health. The danger of mayonnaise lies in its calorie content. With abuse, the likelihood of developing obesity increases. Hence, the risk of developing a tendency to diabetes, diseases of blood vessels, heart, joints and other side effects.
Thus, sour cream and mayonnaise cannot be unequivocally called harmful or useful products. Both have a positive and at the same time negative effect on the body. Natalia Denisova suggested alternating sour cream and mayonnaise as a salad dressing. This approach resolves a long-standing dispute between lovers of each of the named products.
One day it is worth dressing dishes with sour cream, another with mayonnaise, the third with vegetable oil and lemon juice, and the fourth with yogurt. It is allowed to use sauces twice a week, the main thing is not to do it regularly. Such a regimen will not harm health, Denisova, a nutritionist, concluded.
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