Soy sauce and coffee are named among the foods that cause cellulite.
According to the nutritionist, some foods and drinks make cellulite larger and more pronounced.
The specialist advised women who want to make cellulite less noticeable to review their diet. Only dietary correction will not eliminate the unsightly “orange peel” – the nutritionist noted that “it is also recommended to normalize sleep, exercise regularly, follow a drinking regimen and minimize stress”.
As for the diet, it should minimize the number of foods and drinks that aggravate the appearance of cellulite. Ideally, such products should be completely excluded from the diet.
“Exclude so-called junk food from the diet – fast food, chips, crackers and other snacks. Reduce the consumption of wheat flour products, as well as sugar and salt. Give up mayonnaise and do not abuse soy sauce”, – the nutritionist advised.
She added that to reduce cellulite, you should also reduce the amount of caffeine consumed – coffee lovers should not drink it in numerous cups. You should forget about sweet carbonated drinks and store-bought packaged juices once and for all.
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