Stop in this: myths that spoil relationships in marriage
almost all people come into relationships at least once in their lives. These can be fleeting connections, and some live a long and happy family life. Let's look at some myths that, according to society, strengthen relationships. But in practice everything is going on.If the couple begins to do everything together, the partners will lose their personality. In harmonious pairs, partners share tasks and solve them independently. In the event of difficulty, you can consult, ask for help from each other. It is not necessary to force a partner to go to the store if he has other plans for this day. Do not force, but suggest and adequately perceive the refusals of your proposals.
A partner must fulfill your dream All unfulfilled plans we plow on the shoulders of the other half. No one is obliged to fulfill your dreams, unless, of course, we are talking about marriage. You may need to make 2 times more effort or consult a specialist who will help you. >If he loves, he guesses that you feel you need to realize that a partner may really not understand what is happening in your head. If we usually do not talk about psychics, it is difficult for a common man to read other people's thoughts (even after 10 years of one roof lived together). In order to avoid quarrels on this soil, you need to learn how to engage in dialogue with each other. Talk about your preferences, problems, feelings, discontent. >It is better to live together than destroy the family you are sure to know when the couple is not divorced only from a sense of fear, guilt or debt. Responsible parents try to maintain their relationship through the child. The baby, in turn, sees a strange picture-mom and dad live under one roof, but swear, sleep and spend time separate. However, some differences in the character of husband and wife make relationships more dynamic. However, happy couples have more common features. Imagine that your husband does not like caresses and kisses, and you can't live without tenderness. How much will you be enough? As a result, you either get depressed or start looking for caresses from the outside. Or imagine a man who loves comfort in the house, delicious to eat and a wife who is busy only and is rarely home. Conflicts will not be avoided.
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