Straight from the garden: 5 healthy types of greens
Eating greens is very beneficial for health. Everyone knows this. But not everyone realizes what magical properties different types of greens give us. That's what we'll talk about today – the most useful greens.
This is one of the most popular types of greens, which is used in the cuisines of many different countries around the world. We add it to salads, soups, and hot dishes. It is believed that it is extremely useful. But what exactly? The fact is that dill contains vitamins B6, B2, C, A, E, P. In addition, it is rich in elements such as iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. The most interesting thing is that not only the leaves of the herb are useful, but also its stems.
Useful properties are due, of course, to the composition of this type of greens. Dill is easily digestible, improves digestion and blood formation processes. In addition, it has an excellent effect on the pancreas, helping to produce enzymes. Dill also has disinfectant properties, improving lactation and diuresis. This green contains anetin, a substance that helps dilate the blood vessels of the brain and heart.
We will add that this type of greens can be used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, thanks to dill, you can significantly relieve ulcers and gastritis, reduce the severity of flatulence.
Greens are extremely useful because they contain a huge amount of vitamin C – 3 times more than in citrus fruits. Parsley also contains vitamins A, P, E. In addition, it is also useful that it contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.
Parsley can be called a dietary product, as it does not contain sugar. It is actively used for cosmetic purposes, tightening the skin, reducing pigment spots, brightening and refreshing the complexion. You can use the juice of this type of greens in order to reduce bags under the eyes and remove dark spots.
It should be noted that you can eat not only the leaves, but also the root of the plant, stems. The herb is eaten both dried and fresh or frozen.
This is another type of greens that is incredibly beneficial for human health. Celery is almost as useful as dill and parsley. It contains vitamins A, B, E, K. And most importantly, protein.
Due to its composition, greens are useful for the intestines and pancreas. Celery also helps relieve stress due to fatigue, improves memory, and helps increase concentration.
It is also worth noting the benefits for water-salt metabolism, because celery allows you to regulate it. This is especially useful for the elderly and children.
This is also a very useful type of greens for health, the benefits of which are due to its composition – vitamins A, B, E, C, K, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. Greens help improve the functioning of the digestive system, especially the stomach, increase hemoglobin, fight various viruses, strengthen the immune system and reduce blood sugar levels.
Arugula is also rich in fiber, thanks to which you can satisfy hunger for a long time. This green is especially useful for those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers. Do not forget about the benefits in cosmetology: the herb helps strengthen hair, make it soft and shiny.
The herb has a spicy taste and sweet aroma. It contains vitamins B and E, a little protein, which is extremely useful for all people. Fennel will help fight flatulence in infants, the first manifestations of the flu, and also improve bowel function, have a positive effect on the liver and kidneys.
Fennel is added to many dishes, meat, teas, and even sweets. But it is worth remembering about contraindications: it should not be eaten by pregnant women and women during lactation.
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