Stress can cause heart rhythm disturbances and heart attacks

A cardiologist spoke about heart pathologies that occur under the influence of stress.

A cardiologist warned in an interview that the human heart can undergo pathological changes due to very strong or persistent (chronic) stress. The doctor explained: this effect of stressful events on the heart muscle is explained by the body's reactions to the release of stress hormones, which are intensively released during moments of acute emotional experiences.

“An increase in the level of stress hormones in the body can lead to narrowing of blood vessels, increased blood pressure, and increased strain on the heart,” the doctor said.

The doctor also listed the disorders in the cardiovascular system that can occur due to prolonged stress. The cardiologist noted that prolonged stress can cause heart rhythm disturbances and heart attacks.

“Prolonged stress can cause arterial hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, acute coronary syndrome, up to myocardial infarction, angina attacks and stress-induced cardiomyopathy – a “broken heart” syndrome, which is more common in women,” the doctor shared.

The specialist added: in the case of acute coronary syndrome, a person experiences acute chest pain. If it occurs, an ambulance should be called to the victim – doctors should check whether a heart attack has occurred.

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Author: alex

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