Stroke: Two everyday habits especially seriously increase its risk

One of the best ways to protect yourself from stroke – stay away from cigarette smoke, scientists emphasize.

According to the British Heart Foundation (British Heart Foundation), some everyday habits are associated with a particularly serious risk of brain damage and stroke – two of which experts believe the most influential in this regard. The representative of the Foundation, Dr. Minesh Khatri, emphasizes: smoking is one of the most destructive external factors for brain health in connection with a stroke.

“Cigarette smoke makes the accumulation of fat in the main artery of the neck more intense; it also thickens the blood and increases the probability of its clotting”.

The doctor notes: even if a person does not smoke, second-hand smoke can have a harmful effect on his brain.

“To minimize the risk of stroke, one one of the best things you can do for your health is to stay away from cigarette smoke.

Another everyday habit that particularly seriously increases your risk of stroke is being sedentary. Taking a brisk 30-minute walk or doing muscle-strengthening exercises, such as push-ups and weightlifting, has a positive effect on the brain, says Dr. Khatri.

Also, the physician reminded that the tendency the risk of stroke increases when a person is not only sedentary, but also overweight.

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Author: alex

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