Successfully lose weight: 3 breakfast components that help with abdominal fat
beans protein.Legumes and beans are the perfect packaging of fiber, proteins and carbohydrates, says Libby Mills. As an example of bean consumption for breakfast, it has given a traditional British breakfast with beans and eggs. The nutritionist advises put beans in an omelette or bake bread on his own, adding vegetables and legumes to it. Another option is to use a humus. According to the expert, “he is especially rich in protein – and this is different from sandwiches with cheese and jam.” Such a protein will prove particularly effective for reducing abdominal fat.
nuts from nuts. Nuts are full of healthy, unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, they are very rich in protein and have a high content of fiber. Libby Mills recommends eating a handful of nuts for breakfast – it will maintain a constant blood sugar for a relatively long time, preventing it from hungry again after breakfast and start eating to reduce the time before lunch. Thus, regular nuts in the morning helps to reduce calories and lose weight.
fiber of green leafy vegetables. In addition, they have a lot of magnesium that does not grow the level of stress hormone. The expert recommended to eat for breakfast, such as spinach omelette or green cocktail with banana leaves, cinnamon, oatmeal and spinach.
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