Suitable for diabetics: 10 options for healthy and useful breakfasts

Morning meal helps maintain a stable blood sugar level throughout the day. But not every breakfast can be considered useful and healthy. Moreover, not all dishes are suitable for those who have diabetes or are prone to it. Experts have chosen the appropriate options.


Oatmeal, with its high fiber content, helps control blood sugar. Unprocessed oat porridge is useful for diabetics.

Whole grain toast

You can spread them with nut butter without adding sugar, and put fruit on top. Look for toast with at least 3g of fiber per slice. You can also replace them with whole grain waffles.

Egg sandwich

Eggs are rich in protein. It takes longer to digest, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. For a snack, you can make a sandwich with scrambled eggs, low-fat cheese and a slice of tomato on whole grain bread. You can also add a piece of lean meat, such as turkey.

Greek yogurt

It is rich in protein and contains less sugar and carbohydrates than regular yogurt. It is good to add nuts to it: they are rich in healthy fats. In addition, their regular use is good for the cardiovascular system.


It can also be spread on whole grain bread or toast. Ready-made foods contain a lot of saturated fat and salt. Therefore, prepare pate yourself – for example, from chicken or turkey meat. They are less fatty than, for example, beef.

Vegetable Omelet

Choose non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale or tomatoes. They are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber and nutrients.

Unsweetened Oatmeal

Oatmeal in the morning doesn't have to be sweet. You can add vegetables and lean protein to it to make a dish similar to risotto.


The traditional Mexican dish, tacos, is also suitable for a healthy breakfast It consists of a corn or wheat tortilla (cake) with a variety of fillings. For the filling, you can choose scrambled eggs, beans, spinach.

Avocado toast

Avocado is rich in nutrients, fiber and heart-healthy fats. You can put a hard-boiled or poached egg on top.

Cheese with fruit

Cheese has a lot of protein and few carbohydrates. For a quick and easy breakfast, it is better to prefer a low-fat one. You can add fruits and nuts to it.

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Author: alex

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