Summer residents honestly told about beets: to feed or not

Not all summer residents know the exact answer to this question. Some apply fertilizers, others ignore them. We offer to deal with this issue in more detail. If you look objectively, beet is a plant that also needs a source of nutrients for the growth of the top and the formation of the root crop.


Among the fertilizers for beets, it is good to use rotted manure. It is important to feed the beds at the end of summer. One part of such fertilizer requires ten parts of water (1:10). Also, 20 g of potassium chloride is added for beets. Such a complex will have everything necessary for growing a healthy crop and a generous harvest.

Among the fertilizers, pay attention to superphosphate. It is used in the middle of summer. You can also treat beets with superphosphate in early July. The norm is per 1 sq.m. 50 g of the product is required. Fertilized beets grow much better, so do not ignore the needs of the plant.

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Author: alex

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