Summer residents told how they prepare nutritious compost from leaves: a step-by-step action plan
Compost preparation is one of the important processes of autumn preparation for the next season. It is necessary to have time to make useful fertilizer, which will become a natural and nutritious means for feeding plants. You can make compost from leaves if you have few different plant residues.
Features of leaf compost
The first question: “Where to get enough leaves for compost?”. You can collect in clean places in the forest or on the site. Pay attention to an important point. If fallen leaves from fruit trees show signs of disease, they must be processed before placing them in the compost.
Processing is carried out with iron sulfate. You will need to dissolve 150 g of the product in 1 liter of water. The liquid must be warm so that the vitriol dissolves. Then add 5 liters of water. Leaves are sprayed with the solution. It is also possible with trichoderma.
Important point: not all leaves are suitable for composting. It is recommended to take maple, aspen, birch, but do not lay leaves from the oak forest. To speed up the process, the leaves should be crushed. Put the prepared mass in big black bags. These are used for construction waste.
How to lay compost
Sticks and twigs are placed in the bag as the first layer, with leaves on top 15 cm. Next, there should be a nitrogen component in the compost. It can be grass, annual and perennial plants. As a last resort, use urea, which is diluted in the proportion of 1 tbsp. per 10 liters of water and water the compost. Composting accelerators will also not be superfluous (bird or cow droppings). Everything is covered with a layer of soil from above. According to this principle, layer the compost in bags.
The prepared material should be checked regularly so that it remains moist. If it becomes dry, water so that the composting process does not stop. pierce the bags in several places for air access. By next fall, the compost will be ready.
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