Summer residents told how to fight bears in the garden
The bear is a pest that can destroy the harvest in the garden beds. In details, read the advice of summer residents on how to deal with the pest.
You can pour a soapy solution into the hole, this insect does not like soapy aromas. She will climb out of the hole to the surface.
Place the can, bury it in the ground and make a small depression. Mix sugar with water and pour. The bear will fall into the jar, but will not be able to get out of it.
Plant marigolds in the garden near the beds. The roots of flowers secrete a substance that pests do not like very much.
Bears are also afraid of the smell of valerian. Make an infusion that can be used to water the places where it will settle. For 10 liters of water, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry valerian.
Pour a glass of this solution under each bush or tree. To scare away the pest, it is enough to water 3-4 times.
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