Summer residents told the secret of growing large and sweet carrots

Carrots in beds grow well when you know their characteristics. If the nuances of growing are observed, large root crops do not become a wonder. And everyone wants to grow a crop that they can envy themselves. And the secret is extremely simple. Anyone who knows it is happy with a big carrot.


Everyone knows the secret, but some are lazy. This is why carrots grow small. Space is what you need. Carrots should not be spared. It must be thinned. The recommended distance between root crops is 4-5 cm.

There is one more point that concerns watering. There is an opinion that a smaller amount of water will contribute to an increase in the size of root crops. The downside of this approach is the loss of juiciness. Carrots will taste a bit dry.

So water in time and thin the beds well. In this case, you will have perfect juicy, sweet and large carrots.

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Author: alex

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