Summer residents told what needs to be done to grow smooth and large carrots

Carrots are a culture that requires attention to the soil and space for active growth. There are certain points to be aware of. Let's start with the fact that the culture should be sown when the air temperature will be +16-22 degrees. It germinates as early as +5 °C, but good color and sweet taste are guaranteed at +16 °C.


Carrots like the soil to be loose and deeply dug. To ensure the first condition, you need to add sand to the beds. Let it be more so that the plants have the potential to grow. Quantitatively, sand should make up ⅓ of the total volume of soil in the bed.

Now let's talk about digging. It will be necessary to deepen the shovel by at least one bayonet. If you can a little more, the result will be even better. Weakly dug soil affects the shape of carrots. It will grow crooked, not flat.

Carrots categorically do not like an excess of nitrogen. If you overfeed it with fertilizers with its increased content, the root crops will have many processes, and not a flat and long fruit.

Remember that carrots like free space for growing. Thinning is the best way to ensure space. The optimal distance between root crops is 7 cm. Please note that thinning should be done carefully. Carrots do not like damage to the end – the point of growth. When the carrots have already grown, loosen the soil between the rows, but very carefully.

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Author: alex

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