Sunflower seeds increase the risk of developing liver cancer

Sunflower seeds, which contain aflatoxins, when eaten, the risk of developing liver cancer increases. American scientists from the University of Michigan came to this conclusion after conducting a relevant study.

Aflatoxins are produced by mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus. In addition to sunflower seeds, these compounds are also often found in peanuts, pistachios, and almonds.

These substances are among the most powerful known carcinogens. The research was conducted on the territory of Tanzania. In total, about 60% of sunflower seeds in this country are infected with aflatoxins. All of them, when eaten, increase the risk of developing liver cancer.

According to the authors of the work, 25-155 thousand people die annually from exposure to this toxin. This happens mainly in low-income countries. However, many similar incidents are also known outside these states. 

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Author: alex

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