Sweet and beautiful: 4 unusual names for girls that impress
Every year more and more children get rare names. Yes, parents refuse traditional options and prefer unusual ones.
Selection of impressive female names
This name comes from Ancient Greece and means “merciful”. In ancient times, this was the name given to representatives of the elite and wealthy families. Eleanor knows how to empathize with others and will always come to the rescue. Girls with this name are able to think critically and solve even the most difficult problems.
Most scientists believe that this name is of Scandinavian origin and means “disobedient”. However, there is a version that Mia is an abbreviation of Maria and means “beloved”. Yes, they used to call girls when they wanted to demonstrate great love for them. In the modern world, women with this name are distinguished by perseverance, determination and at the same time tenderness and fragility. Mia have a well-developed intuition, so they always make the right choice.
This name i has an ancient Roman origin and is translated as “glory”. The history of this name dates back to the times of Ancient Rome. Then there was a doctor who could heal anyone, but not his barren wife. After offering alms to the Son of God, the doctor's beloved became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, who was named Gloria. Girls with this name are persistent and courageous, so they always succeed.
This variant comes from Spain and means “beautiful”. Representatives of this name are distinguished by hard work and perseverance. Isabellas have leadership qualities, so they are able to unite people around them. Also, girls with this name easily work in creative fields.
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