Sweets that are useful for the heart and figure
There are sweets that will not only please you with their taste, but also benefit the body. And it will not be about fruits.
cardiovascular diseases still remain the main cause of premature death. About 17 million people die annually from them. Many studies suggest that the blockage of blood vessels is associated with malnutrition, stress and lifestyle in general.
However, despite the widespread opinion, to avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease should not be completely abandoned. On the contrary, there are sweets that experts recommend to prevent this type of disease.
for example, marmalade. It very effectively cleanses the vessels of “bad cholesterol”. In addition, it excretes a proportion of heavy metals and decay products, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that pectin and gelatin are used for its production. However, here you need to know the extent of the sweet, the excess sweet is harmful in any case. And it is best to choose marmalade without sugar.
by the way, jam and jam have similar properties. And as for the marmalade itself, many experts believe that it may well compete with bitter chocolate, which is rightly considered one of the most useful desserts. Natural chocolate is rich in phosphorus, zinc, selenium, amino acids. It is recommended to eat 20-30 grams of bitter chocolate a day. At the same time, the caloric content of marmalade is much lower, which makes it attractive to people who follow their figure.
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