Symptom of type 2 diabetes: named one of the early signs of the disease
A constantly high level of sugar in the blood can lead to disorders of blood circulation, work of the nervous and immune systems. Although the symptoms of type 2 diabetes often develop gradually, there is one sign that is difficult to ignore – polydipsia.
This condition is characterized by intense, unquenchable thirst, and is considered one of the earliest symptoms of diabetes. It is often accompanied by unusual dryness in the mouth. In this case, the following may also occur:
- irritation in the corners of the mouth;
- inflammation of the gums;
- oral thrush.
As the Mayo Clinic explained, the main risk factors for the development of diabetes include being overweight, an inactive lifestyle, age and blood lipid levels.
Doctors warned that the disease causes various complications, including nerve damage, eye damage and kidney disease. Other symptoms of the disease include:
- feeling of hunger;
- unintentional weight loss;
- constant fatigue;
- blurry vision ;
- ulcers heal slowly;
- frequent infections;
- numbness or tingling in hands or feet.
Prevent the development diabetes can be a healthy lifestyle. In particular, experts advise to include in the diet foods with a low fat content and high fiber content, get rid of excess weight and start leading an active lifestyle.
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