Symptoms of Dementia: Two early vision problems

Two vision problems can be early warning signs of dementia, a condition that means loss of cognitive abilities.

Dementia is a general term for age-related neurodegenerative processes: loss of normal memory, language, ability to solve routine tasks, other mental skills. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.

Specialists of the British Alzheimer's Society (Alzheimer's Society) said in an interview that the warning signs of this brain disease can be two vision problems, and they appear at an early stage of the disorder. Speaking about this, doctors noted that “dementia causes various changes in the brain, including affecting the way the eyes see and the way the brain processes the information they receive.”

One of the vision problems that occurs in dementia is seeing things and objects that are not there, or visual hallucinations. According to the Alzheimer's Society, visual hallucinations are usually the result of brain damage and are most common in people with dementia with Lewy bodies and dementia that develops in Parkinson's disease.

Another visual problem that is common with dementia , is macular degeneration, which is a pathology of the retina. Its development causes blurred vision in one or both eyes, as well as a distortion of central vision, in which case a straight line appears wavy, or a so-called “blind” spot appears, which makes it difficult to read, distinguish people's faces, colors.

If these symptoms appear, experts recommend contacting a neurologist or therapist. This is especially important if other symptoms of dementia are present, including changes in mood or personality, withdrawal from hobbies, favorite activities or work, changes in judgment, difficulty performing daily activities, misplacing objects.

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Author: alex

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