Symptoms that indicate testosterone deficiency in men

Testosterone deficiency can negatively affect the work of many organs in a man's body, as well as provoke a significant decrease in the quality of life.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, and as men get older, their levels tend to decline, and this can happen as early as age 30. Falling testosterone levels are sometimes referred to as 'male menopause', but NHS doctors say the term can be misleading.

If a man develops a testosterone deficiency, it does not necessarily mean that it is a natural aging process. , due to aging. Doctors state that the problem of testosterone deficiency can occur in men of any age, as for some reason their bodies do not produce a sufficient amount of the hormone. In this case, an examination is necessary to clarify the cause of this feature.

What are the symptoms of testosterone deficiency? The influence of the hormone on the functioning of the male body is difficult to overestimate, it affects the work of many organs and systems.

This is clear even from the variety of symptoms that arise due to its insufficient concentration. Symptoms of testosterone deficiency are not necessarily dangerous to health, but at the same time they can be unpleasant, affect the general mental state, physical form.

Common symptoms of testosterone deficiency include.

  • Fatigue and lethargy, lack of energy.
  • Depression.
  • Increased anxiety, anxiety.
  • Irritability.
  • Low libido.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Quick fatigue from usual physical exertion.
  • Excessive sweating, night sweats.
  • Poor concentration or memory.
  • The need to shave is rarer.

Some of these symptoms may be the result of other causes, but it is not difficult to determine a testosterone deficiency with a blood test .

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Author: alex

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