Symptoms that may indicate a heart attack in women
Women, unlike men, do not show “classic” symptoms in case of heart attacks. What signs may indicate a female heart attack?
The other day, American cardiologists spoke in the press with a warning that women often do not notice heart problems, since the symptoms indicating the presence of such problems in women are often atypical. In this regard, experts advise women to pay attention to the following phenomena:
Fatigue. Sudden fatigue that occurs despite normal sleep (at least 7 hours) and the absence of heavy loads can be the first harbinger of an upcoming heart attack in women. Ignoring inexplicable fatigue is dangerous, with such a symptom you should consult a doctor.
Dizziness, nausea. If these symptoms appear in circumstances not related to physical exertion and significant energy expenditure, it is better to make an appointment with a cardiologist.
Feeling of compression, a vice. For women, a feeling of squeezing, squeezing of the ribs is a more frequent signal of a heart attack than chest pain.
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