Take care of your pets: no matter how many degrees of frost, you can't walk dogs outside
Winter brings not only snowy landscapes, but also low temperatures that can be dangerous for our four-legged friends. Like people, dogs react to frost differently depending on their size, breed, and health status.
Therefore, it is important for responsible owners to know when winter walks can become risky.
Different breeds of dogs have different tolerances for cold. Large breeds with thick undercoats, such as huskies or malamutes, are well adapted to the cold and can enjoy walks even at -20°C. However, for small breeds, such as Chihuahuas or Toy Terriers, frost below -5°C is already a serious challenge. Puppies, older animals and dogs with short hair or health problems also need special attention, noted the experts of the publication Lords & Labradors.
At what temperature is it dangerous to walk at frost?
Experts advise to focus on a temperature of -15°C. It is at such a cold that walks should be significantly reduced or even avoided. If the thermometer shows below -20°C, walking a dog becomes dangerous even for breeds adapted to cold weather.
It is also worth paying attention to air humidity and wind, which increase the feeling of cold. In windy weather, even relatively moderate frost can become dangerous.
How to protect your dog from hypothermia
- Choose the right time. It is better to plan walks during the daytime, when the temperature is usually higher.
- Dress your pet. For small or short-haired breeds, clothing is a necessity. Special overalls or sweaters will help keep them warm.
- Watch their paws. Snow and ice can injure their paw pads. It is recommended to use special creams or boots for dogs. Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. If your dog starts shivering, refuses to walk, or seeks shelter, you should return home immediately.
Signs of hypothermia in dogs
Hyperthermia can manifest itself through lethargy, trembling, decreased activity, breathing problems, or even loss of consciousness. If you notice such symptoms, immediately warm your pet and contact your veterinarian.
How to Make Winter Walks Comfortable
In winter, dogs need more exercise to stay warm. But it is important that it is active movement that will not let them freeze. During severe frosts, an alternative to walks can be games at home or short outings only to relieve themselves.
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