Tasty and safe: 10 carbohydrates that make you lose weight

If you eat more of the right carbohydrates, you will not notice how you will lose weight!

Are carbs and diets as incompatible as a dolphin and a mermaid? Fortunately, this is a myth that has nothing to do with the truth. First, in order to maintain a healthy metabolism and a beautiful figure, our plate should contain at least 55% carbohydrates at each meal. Secondly, it is carbohydrates that are the “fuel” from which the body can easily obtain energy. Finally, if we don't get carried away with “simple” carbohydrates, especially sugar, and focus on complex ones, our health and our figure will only benefit. We have compiled a small list of those carbohydrates that are not only possible, but necessary for everyone who wants to stay healthy, slim and, of course, beautiful.


< p>The first rule: Corn should be fresh, as canned grains often contain too much salt and sugar, which have a bad effect on our health. The second rule: it is best eaten without oil and with minimal addition of salt. If you do not violate these simple conditions, this useful carbohydrate, rich in fiber, as well as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iron, will only benefit your figure and health.

Legumes (asparagus ) beans

The easiest side dish? The most filling and at the same time low-calorie dinner? A carb that will kick your metabolism to the limit? One answer is green beans. It has few calories, but a lot of fiber, thanks to which we will not be hungry for a long time. And it also contains a lot of protein and useful vitamins – an excellent product!


Great news for all lovers of Italian cuisine: nutritionists have officially rehabilitated pasta. A dish made from durum wheat will not affect your figure – unless, of course, you overcook the pasta. Oh, and be careful with the sauce: if there is too much cream or salt, no durum wheat will help.


Nutritionists claim that almost all of us are constantly lacking the necessary amount of fiber, and this, among other things, can have a bad effect on the state of the digestive system. chickpeas are one of the products that will help fill this deficit. In addition, it is rich in vegetable protein (very useful for the heart) and manganese, which protects against premature aging. And there are also many complex carbohydrates in chickpeas – and you should definitely not be afraid of them.


Proteins, carbohydrates – and many, many antioxidants that help neutralize the dangerous influence of free radicals. A little secret: in order for mushrooms to be well absorbed by our body, they should be combined with meat or cereals.

Whole grains

The “secret” fuel that speeds up our metabolism and helps turn calories into energy instead of fat is fiber. In addition, it is dietary fiber that is the basis for the smooth operation of our gastrointestinal tract. Research confirms that, unfortunately, most adults have a chronic deficiency of this useful substance, and therefore we all simply need meals made from whole grains. Porridge and side dishes made from brown rice and unprocessed grains are perfectly filling and help keep blood sugar under control. The only thing nutritionists ask you to stay away from is ready-made bars. As a rule, they contain too much sweet syrup, which nullifies all the beneficial properties of cereals. But preparing such snacks yourself is a very good idea!



Yes, yes, the same repeatedly reviled vegetable, the bane of all diet lovers. Boiled or baked (but without oil and fat), it is not dangerous for our figure – and, by the way, is very useful for the health of the heart and blood vessels. However, you can add a little olive oil or even butter – exclusively for the prevention of heart diseases, of course!


Of course, not from a bag. Of course, not in the form of flakes. Porridge cooked from whole grains is the best breakfast you can think of. Hot and viscous, it will please the stomach and intestines, and the protein and fiber will help you not to be hungry until dinner. If you add some nuts and fresh berries, you will have a perfectly healthy and healthy breakfast.


Do you want to get rid of belly fat? Buy a bag of quinoa and add a little bit to any dish, whether it's a salad, soup or your morning oatmeal. Quinoa does not contain gluten, is rich in fiber and antioxidants, and also contains a lot of iron, zinc and magnesium, which are very useful for the cardiovascular system. In addition, quinoa helps to lower the level of glucose in the blood, which is also very useful!

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Author: alex

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