Tea and berries: foods with which substance can slow down Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is one of the fastest growing diseases: according to scientists, by 2160 the number of patients in some parts of the world will almost triple. Fortunately, research by American scientists has helped to find a tasty way to slow the onset of the disease.

Work published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, cited by the USDA, says that a diet high in flavonoids can protect cognitive function. Flavonoids are plant pigments known for their antioxidant, antiviral, and anticancer properties. These substances are found in berries, tea, dark chocolate and other products.

“Alzheimer's disease is a serious public health problem. Given the lack of drug treatment, preventing Alzheimer's disease through a healthy diet is an important factor,” said Paul Jacques, a nutrition epidemiologist at The Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA).

Jacques' research, in which the authors followed 2,809 people for nearly 20 years, showed that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can slow the onset of the disease. “People with the highest intake of flavonoids were more than 50% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people with the lowest intake of flavonoids. Plant products, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, are good sources of flavonoids,” the scientist shared.

According to Jacques, a diet rich in flavonoids helps not only with Alzheimer's disease and associated with she has dementia. It can also be useful in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer.

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Author: alex

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