Tea bags can help clean the toilet

It would seem that a long-used tea bag is one hundred percent departure. It is not possible to prepare a new portion of the drink on its basis. The possible ways of using the bag in everyday life are also not well known. And yet, representatives of the older generation find unusual ways to use the sachets.


One of the non-standard options is putting waste in the toilet. What problem will a tea bag help to cope with?

It is no secret that plaque inevitably forms on the inner surface of the toilet. Various means are used for elimination, including quite aggressive “chemistry”.

But experienced housewives do without dangerous components, preferring more natural ones. This is where tea bags come to the rescue. It is desirable that they are wet.

It is enough to perform one action: put the bags on the most contaminated parts of the sanitary ware.

Nothing else needs to be done: the bags should simply remain on the toilet. It is advisable to wait at least a few hours.

Then the bags are removed, and the toilet is wiped with a cleaning tool. Usually the role of the latter is played by a sponge.

The result of the simple actions listed above should be the removal of plaque and the return of the toilet to its original shine. In addition, no “extra” smells will be felt.

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Author: alex

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