Tea is not always useful: 5 options for dangerous consequences of drinking the popular drink
Tea is loved by many. It has a lot of useful properties, including reducing inflammation, reducing the risk of heart and chronic diseases, and reducing blood sugar levels. However, do not forget that drinking this drink can have negative consequences.
Disruption of biorhythms
Black, white, and green tea contain an average of 14 to 61 mg of caffeine per serving. Although this is less than in a cup of coffee (about 96 mg), this amount is enough to disrupt the so-called “circadian rhythms” – the human biological clock. Drinking too much caffeinated tea in the afternoon or evening can throw off your sleep schedule, which also disrupts your circadian rhythms. As a result, everything can provoke cardiovascular problems, weight gain and weakening of the immune system. Therefore, it is better to drink herbal teas that do not contain caffeine in the afternoon.
Risk of esophageal cancer
There are data that when drinking hot drinks, the risk of developing such a dangerous disease as esophageal cancer increases. So, according to the study, those who drank very hot tea were more likely to develop squamous cell cancer of the esophagus than those who drank warm tea. There are other studies that show that drinks that are too hot cause permanent damage to the esophagus.
Development of anemia
A number of studies by scientists show that the bioactive components of tea – tannins – reduce the assimilation of iron, which can lead to the development of anemia. Thus, according to a study by Pakistani scientists published on the PubMed portal, black and green tea limit the bioavailability of iron to 94%.
Black and green tea has a diuretic effect. Although this drink is sometimes recommended for fluid retention in the body, it can sometimes lead to dehydration. According to a report in the Pharma Innovation Journal, tea's diuretic properties can lead to electrolyte imbalances. This condition can cause lethargy, fast or irregular heartbeats, and severe headaches.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Theophylline in tea, according to according to the report of the International Agency for the Study of Cancer, can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. So those who have problems with the stomach should monitor their well-being: maybe they will find guilty tea.
Of course, it is not necessary that you will have to face such consequences – but they should be kept in mind. , especially to those who like this drink.
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