Tea turned out to be the most useful after a simple trick

Regular consumption of tea has a positive effect on general health I, and in some cases helps to cope with various diseases. However, to get the maximum benefit from the drink, you need to prepare it correctly.

As scientists have found out, even following the manufacturers' instructions for brewing tea will not provide the desired effect. Researchers have discovered that with the classic method of preparing the drink, some useful catechins are not released from the tea leaves. After conducting a series of experiments, the scientists saw that the amount of antioxidants in the drink increased using a microwave oven as an extraction method. With this method of tea preparation, the content of useful compounds in it increased by almost 20 percent.

In order to get all the benefits at home, experts advised to follow the following brewing method:

* pour boiling water over the tea;
* wait 30 seconds;
* put the cup in the microwave for a minute;
* enjoy the drink.

However, it is worth considering that such tea will have a stronger taste due to additional catechins.

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Author: alex

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