Techniques in the inscriptions on products can hide their harmful composition
Organism proper nutrition is necessary – for this, doctors recommend carefully studying the labels of the products you buy. This applies to ingredients and packaging claims. Some of them are either false or talk about the harmful composition of the product.
Some people prefer low-fat food. Experts point out that products with the inscription “low-fat”, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, are not as healthy as they may seem. In this case, the food loses its taste, and the manufacturer compensates for this loss with the help of sugar or salt.
Sometimes high-fructose corn syrup is added to the products. It can be present in soft drinks, breakfast cereals and sauces. The product is sometimes called a sugar alternative. However, some studies suggest that the body perceives such syrup differently. This has a negative impact on health, say experts.
On packages you can often find the inscription “without sugar”. Such products contain sugar alcohols: for example, sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol. These sweet substances are not absorbed by the body, so they can cause diarrhea, experts say. Some products have the advertising phrase “no added sugar” printed in capital letters. In this case, you need to look at the carbohydrate content, because it is not necessary to add sugar to something that already contains it naturally.
In addition, experts urge you to pay attention to multigrain bread. In some cases, it is processed in the same way as white – so it is not always as healthy as many people think. In good whole grain bread, the grains are not cleaned during the manufacturing process. So it preserves all useful substances and fiber.
Source storinka.com.ua
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