Ten factors that increase your chances of living up to 100 years


Some factors in life are associated with the activation of the enzyme. Determines our chances of longevity. Following them increases the likelihood of celebrating the 100th anniversary.

scientists note that a healthy lifestyle slows down the aging process at DNA levels. What can we do?

follow the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish. Analysis of 50 studies with more than half a million people showed the striking benefits of such nutrition: it reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome – a combination of obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and other factors that increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.A number of studies show that married people live longer than alone – the reason may be the social and economic support offered by marriage. A successful and happy marriage continues life especially noticeable. Even in those who are divorced or widowed, life expectancy is higher than those who have never been married.

to keep in friendly connections. friends help to live longer. Australian researchers have found that elderly people who have many social contacts have a lower risk of mortality over the next 10 years than people with fewer friends. Analysis 140 Studies reinforces the link between social contacts and longevity.

Correctly cope with stress. Ability to withstand stress helps to prevent heart disease and gives additional years of life. Among the ways of stress control are yoga, meditation, breathing exercises.

have a target in life. Japanese researchers have found that men who have a purpose in their lives and live a meaningful life are less likely to suffer from strokes and heart disease than those who do not see much meaning in it. Another study (Rasha University) has shown that the goal of life is also associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. sleep. Siesta is likely to reduce stress hormones that in turn harm the heart.

do not smoke. If a person quit smoking at the age of 30, it can give him decades of life additional. If at the age of 40, 50 or 60 years, life expectancy is still nine, six or three years old. First of all, the threat to health and life brings fat on the abdomen. Its loss in this part of the body gives additional years of life.

use the principle of Okinawa. The reason for this was their traditional diet, which had many green and yellow vegetables and few calories – on average, only 80 percent of the actual daily calorie standard.

live religiously. In particular, it was found that diligent parishioners have a stronger immune system and psyche than others.

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Author: alex

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