Ten purely personal moments that you don't have to explain to anyone

< p>In today's world, it is difficult not to seek universal approval. First, social networks have raised public expectations. Secondly, our own complexes often force us to justify and explain something to others.

But in fact, in most cases, you have absolutely nothing to explain your actions and preferences – and there is definitely nothing to justify. It only lowers your self-esteem by tying it to other people's opinions. Trust yourself!

Here are 10 things you don't have to explain to anyone:

Why you want to be alone

Everyone needs to be alone sometimes. There's nothing wrong with wanting to spend the weekend at home instead of going out with friends.

Maybe you want to read a book, watch a TV series, or just curl up in bed. It doesn't mean you're antisocial, it just means you understand your needs.

Being alone sometimes is very helpful. Numerous studies confirm this. Loneliness helps:

  • develop creative skills;
  • become more productive;
  • do what you have wanted for a long time;
  • get to know yourself better;
  • improve positive mood;
  • increase empathy;
  • clarify thoughts and relieve stress;
  • relax and enjoy life.

Who do you communicate with

People are always curious about who you hang out with, especially if it has something to do with your personal life.

But you do not have to explain to anyone what attracts you to your partner. It doesn't matter if your family and friends approve of your choice – the main thing is that you are happy. It's your decision. The same goes for friendship. You should be friends with those with whom you are good. If you feel that communication with people oppresses you, it is not friendship.

Communication with relatives is also not always an easy task. If, for whatever reason, you want to cut ties with a toxic family member, that is your right. After all, you have every right not to communicate with anyone at all. This is your business and your choice – no one has the right to demand explanations from you!

What are you interested in

It has become very popular on the Internet to poison people because their tastes do not match some imaginary “high standards”. Films, books, songs are suddenly declared unworthy, and everyone who likes them is ridiculed.

But you know what? Your tastes are your business. If someone doesn't like what you like, that's not your problem! You don't have to make excuses!

What career did you choose

There are very unusual professions. There are unpleasant, but highly paid ones. There are practical but boring ones, and interesting but unpaid ones.

Sometimes you hold on to low-paying jobs because you're curious. And sometimes you leave a “prestigious” position because you are fed up. Or you refuse a promotion because you don't want to spend less time with your family.

All these options are absolutely normal. Your career affects only your life (and the life of your partner, if you have one). Therefore, no one can demand from you a report on how and why you build your professional life.

Your beliefs

Different beliefs and values ​​is a potentially explosive topic, especially in today's politicized world. But the fact is that you still won't be able to convince anyone of anything – so why waste time and energy explaining?

Here are areas of personal belief that do not require explanation:

    < li>religion;
  • spirituality;
  • principles;
  • priorities;
  • ethical attitudes;
  • moral values;
  • political views.

Why do you refuse or agree to ask apologizing (and forgiving)

Why apologize if it's not sincere? This is a lie and only gives the other person the wrong idea.

You never have to apologize, even if you are expected to. Of course, you can apologize if you feel it would be right, even if you don't want to. The choice is yours.

The same applies to forgiveness. For some reason, it is believed that you must always forgive offenders. No, not obliged. If you want it, you forgive, if you don't want it, you don't. The choice, again, is yours.

Your identity

Are you considered weird? Are you advised to change your style? Send them away.

Constructive criticism is good, but you have to distinguish valuable advice from criticism. Of course, you should always improve yourself, but you should not justify yourself.

You are unique, beautiful and special. No one is allowed to humiliate you.

Why are you behind others

Your former classmate has already married and had children. Your former classmate has already become the director of the company. Your younger brother has already received a scientific degree.

In such cases, comparisons often begin – not in your favor. But life is not a competition. Everyone has their own problems and circumstances, and there is no rush!

Move at the speed that is closest to you. Be positive and be determined. One day you will achieve everything you want!

Your pain

People like to measure themselves by their misfortunes. You've probably also been told that it's a sin to complain because someone else has it worse.

But your pain is just as important. It doesn't matter who has it worse or better—suffering is by definition subjective. Other people's problems do not cancel yours.

So do not ignore the pain, because it will not go away on its own. It is not at all necessary that other people recognize your right to suffer. It is enough that you feel bad; acknowledge it and find a way to fix it.

Your Value

Arrogance and self-confidence are two different things. You can know your worth, but at the same time not look down on others. No one has the right to question your worth.

This means that sometimes (almost always!) you have to put yourself first. It is very useful – and at the same time pleasant. And that doesn't make you selfish at all!

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Author: alex

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