Ten tips that a smart person uses when he hears rudeness

If you've ever driven during rush hour or navigated a crowd on the subway, you know that there are plenty of rude people around. Someone is openly rude, someone simply shows contempt, but rudeness is found everywhere. Unfortunately, it is often contagious.

You cannot control other people's behavior, but what do you do if you are provoked to be rude in return? Here are 10 smart tips:

Understand that rudeness is nothing new

Rudeness is an integral part of human nature. Plato also complained that young people have lost respect for their elders and do not know how to behave well. For many, rudeness simply becomes a habit.

In addition, negativity is transmitted to others and causes a chain reaction. But if you realize that such behavior has a bad effect on productivity, well-being and mood, then you can stop it.

Stop the cycle of rudeness

Rudeness spreads like a contagious disease if it is allowed to. One rudeness immediately begets the next, and so on.

Suppose a rude driver cuts you off on the way to work. As a result, you will end up lashing out at your colleagues. And they behave this way to others because they are in a bad mood…

Break this vicious cycle!

Don't take rudeness at your expense

To break this cycle, first of all, one must learn not to perceive rudeness at one's expense. Everyone has bad days. The temptation to get angry at the first encounter is sometimes insurmountable.

Now understand that everyone has bad days. If you hear rudeness, it might not be your fault!

Respond to rudeness with kindness

One of the best ways to defuse a hostile environment is to maintain a friendly and positive attitude. This gives the bully a chance to calm down and stop acting like that. Kindness is an excellent antidote to rudeness.

Of course, it can be very difficult to show kindness in response to such behavior. But try to find strength in yourself. Remember that stooping to the level of a rude person is humiliating.

Improve the situation with a joke

A stubborn rude person creates tension and stress around him, which is felt by everyone around him. Humor can defuse the situation, easing the tension and reducing everything to a joke.

Make a joke about something obvious. You can also make fun of yourself – it always works. Help the rude person to relax.

Point out to the rude person that his behavior is unacceptable

Another effective way to break the cycle of rudeness is to simply point out the rude person's behavior and demand politeness. If you are constantly being told rude things by a person from whom you cannot get anywhere, it is worth talking about it directly. She may not even realize that her words and actions are affecting you.

Don't up the ante

When someone says something rude to you, your first instinct may be to respond in kind. But remember: you can always keep yourself (and only yourself!) in your hands. Resist the temptation to turn up the drama. Keep calm. Breathe deeply and allow yourself time to cool down. Don't stoop to the level of a rude person – it will only make the situation worse.

Show empathy and compassion

To show empathy, you must first try to understand why the person is talking to you the way he does. Perhaps she is currently going through a difficult period in her personal life or she does not have time to hand in her work on time. Let her know you understand her struggles so she doesn't feel so alone in her struggles.

Sympathize, not condemn, and you will see: most likely, the rude person will correct himself and even apologize. And if a person becomes even more angry, it means that it is a futile matter. Don't waste her time.

Set a good example

For some people, being rude is a way to show their power or dominance. Maybe they want to provoke a reaction and show you in a negative light. Don't go out of your way to meet them.

By setting an example of kindness, fairness, and compassion, you will put them in a dead end. Either they will have to move to your level of communication, or completely go beyond the bounds of decency. In the latter case, you can call outsiders for help.

Avoid being rude

If nothing works, remember that sometimes the best way is to turn around and walk away. If you have done everything possible, shown empathy and kindness, but nothing helps, you may have a rare specimen – an incorrigible rude person. These are best avoided: the fewer available targets the brute has, the better. In addition, in the absence of an audience, he will not be able to behave like this.

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Author: alex

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