Testosterone will not help men succeed in life

The study showed that a higher level of testosterone hormone has a positive effect on men's health. But it has no significant importance in terms of life achievements and successes.

Many myths are associated with the male hormone testosterone. For example, it is believed that if a man has an elevated hormone level, he is also more successful in life. Researchers from the University of Bristol found no evidence that this hormone in any way increases the chances of success for men or women. 

Testosterone has previously been linked to men's socioeconomic status, such as income or education level, and now researchers have tried to find out whether the hormone actually helps move up the career ladder. It turned out that he is much less important in this sense than previously thought. To get this answer, scientists used an approach called Mendeleev randomization, by which they isolated the actual effect of testosterone from the influence of other objective circumstances in 306,000 British men.

The study showed that men with higher testosterone levels had a higher income, lived in less disadvantaged areas and more often had a higher education. But genetic variants affecting testosterone levels were not associated with any outcomes for men and women. Testosterone had no significant effect on men's or women's health, risk-taking, or socioeconomic status. The authors of the study believe that the effect of testosterone on success in life is simply due to the fact that increased testosterone levels promote health. And healthier men achieve great success.

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Author: alex

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