That destroys the kidneys: 6 common factors


Man can live a full life and not guess about health problems 'pits, even if its kidneys operate by only 20%. Therefore, the gradual destruction of the kidneys can go unnoticed for a long time, and the problem may be too late. In this case, the most common habits can cause the destruction of this vital organ. Provoke kidney disease. As a rule, in the urine of those who consumed carbonated water in large quantities, there is a protein that is the first sign of organ destruction.


This bad habit is directly related to the development of atherosclerosis – lesions of the arteries throughout the body, which, in turn, affects the blood supply to all organs, including kidneys. Researchers say that two cigarettes are sufficient to have the number of endothelial cells in the blood doubled. This indicates damage to arterial vessels.


The toxins contained in alcohol destroy not only the liver but also the kidneys. According to scientists, alcohol consumption exclusively in moderation will help to avoid kidney disease.

deficiency of vitamin B6 and magnesium

The lack of vitamin in the body increases the risk of kidney stones. For sufficient supply of the body this vitamin is better suited fish, peas, beef liver, potatoes, starchy vegetables and fruits (except citrus). Without magnesium, the body cannot fully absorb calcium, which can lead to its excessive accumulation and formation of stones. It is recommended that you add green leafy vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts to the diet to fill the magnesium deficit. In the absence of fluid in the blood, toxins can begin to accumulate, as water may not be enough to remove them from the kidneys. Scientists recommend drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day. kidneys. The product of protein absorption is ammonia-toxin, the neutralization of which is engaged in the kidneys. The more protein, the greater the load on the kidneys, which can eventually lead to a decrease in renal function. . Without the kidneys of the body is impossible.

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Author: alex

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