That gives health to one apple a day

The British have a saying that one apple a day relieves visits to doctors. This fruit has many powerful preventive properties.

begin with the fact that apples contain soluble fibers that protect the heart by reducing cholesterol. Do not cut the peel from apples, because it has antioxidants like polyphenols. And they control blood pressure, which is also very important for heart health.

, among other things, antioxidants in apples protect our lungs from damage caused by the environment. During seasonal allergies, when the lung tissues are inflamed, the flavonoid quercetin from the peel of apples strengthens the immune system and reduces the level of inflammation.

the amount of water contained in apples is high enough. So you will get fewer calories, which will result in weight loss. In addition, due to the high content of fiber in apples, they are also a wonderful diet product. Cellular slows down digestive processes that retains satiety for a longer period and protects against overeating. Beta cells are responsible for the production of insulin in our body. Victims of diabetes second type are often recommended to eat one apple a day.

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Author: alex

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