The 5 best foods you can eat every day to prolong life

Many factors affect your life expectancy, such as your age, family history, and the environment in which you live. But there's no shortage of research supporting a close link between diet and longevity. Nutritionist Kelly Kennedy lists the foods available that improve our health every day.

Here are 5 nutritious foods you can add to your diet to improve your overall health and increase your lifespan:< /p>

1. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower contain sulforaphane, a plant chemical that may reduce the risk of heart disease by protecting blood vessels from inflammation.

< p>“These vegetables also help remove toxins and other potentially harmful substances from the body. In addition, many studies show that cruciferous vegetables can inhibit the growth of cancer cells,” says Kennedy.

2. Leafy green vegetables

Leafy greens: spinach, kale and arugula are some of the healthiest foods on the planet. These foods typically contain less than 100 calories per pound, making them ideal foods for weight loss and weight management. Antioxidants in leafy greens help protect your cells from inflammation, which is linked to heart disease, the leading cause of death in American adults.

3. Nuts

Walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are excellent sources of good fats, protein, fiber and antioxidants.

“They are low glycemic index foods, which means they cause a slower and smaller rise in blood sugar . This characteristic makes them an important component of an anti-diabetic diet. Unsaturated fats in nuts can also control cholesterol levels,” says the doctor.

4. Seeds

Seeds: chia, pumpkin and flax seeds, rich in fiber, protein and essential minerals. They also contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation; and lignans with anticancer properties.

5. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are one of the few plant-based sources of vitamin D. This important nutrient helps maintain bone health. It also keeps your mind sharp, especially as you age. And whether you eat them raw or cooked, you get a healthy dose of anti-aging properties with mushrooms.

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