The age of the highest human happiness has been determined

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At what age are people the happiest? A new study made it possible to get an answer to this interesting question.

Many people believe that they were happiest when they were children, when nothing depended on them, they were not responsible for anything and enjoyed a carefree life.

Some people think that complete happiness came after 20, when the realization of a great life ahead with all its adventures came, a feeling of youth, energy and attractiveness.

Someone believes that happiness comes only after 50, when manage to fulfill the most cherished goals in terms of career growth and get rid of the burden of loans.

A new study made it possible to get an answer to this question. 700 people took part in it. The authors from the USA initially expected to record the maximum level of happiness in the range from 20 to 30 years.

However, it turned out that it is during this period that a significant number of life trials related to education, career ladder, creation family and the birth of children, financial obligations, increasing credit load, etc.

The full period of happiness came for people after 35. Many would like to stay between the ages of 35 and 45 forever, because this is where they felt as mature as possible, but still relatively young, that is, they did not face the characteristic age problems that appear after 50 and 60.

So one 36-year-old man admitted metaphorically that he “assembled the car , which finally received all the necessary details.” This is how he talked about his health, psychological and physiological well-being, as well as achievements in life. For many years, the man worked on his career, developing relationships and building a family.

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Author: alex

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