The astrologer named the signs of the zodiac, which will not allow anyone to sit on their neck
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However, there are people with whom such tricks do not work, no one can manipulate them – even if they want to. Astrologer Lyudmila Bulgakova named the signs of the zodiac that will not allow anyone to get on their head.
Scorpions – even in appearance – do not seem like people who can be used for their own interests, but the number of people who want to see if this is the case in fact is not getting smaller for some reason. However, the representatives of this sign quite clearly explain to the daredevils why they should not do this – few people decide to try it again.
Sagittarius in this sense often give a false impression to those who do not know them well enough: they appear not only benevolent, but also simple, which makes them seem easy to wrap around your finger. But, as they say, they were not the ones who were attacked: with a pleasant smile, the representatives of the sign surprise those who managed to climb onto their necks, throwing them off.
Aquarians give the impression of whimsical and frivolous, and often they really are, so many people think that they can be easily manipulated. But unpredictability is not a weak point, but a weapon of the representatives of the sign: they change the rules of the game so often that those who want to sit on their heads will struggle to follow them and give up their prank.
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