The astrologer named the zodiac signs that do not forgive anyone
Each of us faces insults in one way or another – it is difficult to live life without encountering someone's unkindness.
It's just that everyone reacts to all the angry outbursts of others in different ways: some the very next day forget what happened, and others carry their images for a long time, recalling them both to themselves and to those who, as they think, touched them for life. Astrologer Lyudmila Bulgakova named the signs of the zodiac that do not forget anything.
Taurus, for all their external good-naturedness, is the most forgetful sign of the zodiac, as those who are on in their misfortune, they managed to insult them – intentionally or unintentionally. Representatives of this sign will not only not forget what was said or done by their enemy, but will definitely take revenge, choosing the right moment.
Cancers lack the courage to to retaliate against those who offended them, but since the offense itself will not go anywhere at the same time, representatives of the sign cannot think of anything better than to deal with it – like a chicken with an egg. Moreover, they not only caress and cherish the bitterness associated with it, but also do everything to not forget about it – for example, write down offensive words.
Virgo they like to collect images, remembering everything that happened in the finest details, and do not forget about them even years later. People who have wronged them in something will be surprised to learn that the representatives of the sign not only remind them of careless words and actions, but also quote everything that was said many years ago word for word.
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