The benefits and harms of avocado
Avocado is one of the most popular products used in various diets. This fruit is considered low-calorie, but at the same time nutritious. It contains vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin B and potassium. However, fans of the avocado diet should be more careful, warned a dietitian and nutritionist.
The specialist said that avocado has a beneficial effect on digestion due to the fiber it contains. This component helps regulate appetite and strengthens immunity.
“Avocado contains soluble fiber, which helps normalize blood glucose levels. Therefore, when added to the diet daily, such a product will quickly saturate and help control weight, – the doctor explained.
This product is also good for the heart, because it contains potassium. It is believed that the fruit richest in potassium is a banana, but, according to the nutritionist, avocado contains much more of this substance. It helps lower blood pressure and generally has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
In addition, avocado is a natural antidepressant. All thanks to Omega-3 fatty acids. They are the ones that reduce the level of anxiety. Oleic acid – Omega 9 – helps normalize memory and improve learning.
“A sufficient amount of these saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the daily diet has an anti-carcinogenic effect,” – the doctor added.
These and other benefits of the fruit do not mean at all that an excessive amount of avocado in the diet will not harm your health. According to the nutritionist, in order not to gain excess weight, you need to adhere to the norm of no more than two avocados per day. It is also not recommended to eat this product for nursing women to avoid diarrhea in the baby. Avocados can also be dangerous for people with thyroid diseases.
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