The benefits of pumpkin seeds have been revealed
Numerous studies have proven that not only medicines, but also certain products can help in the prevention of various diseases food. One such product has several health benefits at once.
It is about pumpkin seeds. They contain many nutrients and health benefits.
Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels
One study found that pumpkin seed oil useful for lowering diastolic blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol (LDL). At the same time, the product increases the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL).
Lowers sugar
Another study said that the chemicals contained in pumpkins, such as fruit pulp, ungerminated pumpkin seed oil, and germinated seed protein, have hypoglycemic properties. In other words, this product can lower blood sugar.
Source of magnesium
According to the American heart association (American heart association), pumpkin seeds are rich magnesium It plays an important role in heart and bone health, can prevent migraines, and improve sleep quality.
Zinc source
Pumpkin seeds also contain zinc , which has antioxidant properties. In addition, zinc is involved in cell growth, healing of damaged tissues and maintenance of a healthy immune system.
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