The best and worst health foods are named

For three years, specialists analyzed and summarized scientific data on various products that have a positive or negative effect on health. The article ranks them in terms of health benefits from best to worst.

Most of us don't understand what we need to eat to stay healthy. Many questions arise. How much fat, sugar and salt is contained in this or that product? And if you follow a plant-based diet, are all foods so processed that they no longer contain valuable nutrients? This leaves us in a state of complete confusion and surprise. What should we eat, and what should we give up in order to preserve the health of our body?

To answer this question, a group of researchers from the School of Dietetics and Politics named after Friedman at Tufts University, compiled a ranking of the most famous foods in terms of their health benefits, which was later published in the British newspaper The Times.


< p>Let's start with juices that are considered the most useful. Celery juice is one of them. It contains a lot of water and antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains more potassium and vitamin K than tomato and carrot juices.

The worst choice is mocha coffee. Its composition includes chocolate, whipped cream, milk and coffee, as well as sweet syrup. One cup of this drink contains 60 grams of sugar and about 500 calories.

Cereals and pasta

Quinoa topped the list of healthy cereals. It is rich in protein and contains sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids.

Quinoa has a lot of fiber (2.2 grams per 100 grams of the finished product), B vitamins, potassium, vitamin E and various antioxidants.

In second place is wild rice. It contains 1.7 grams of fiber per 100 grams of the finished product, a small amount of potassium, magnesium and iron. In addition, it contains fewer calories (101 kcal per 100 grams) than brown rice.

Noodles were named the worst product. It has a high glycemic index, that is, it increases the blood sugar level faster.

White rice contains fewer calories than white pasta, but also less nutrients and fiber than brown rice.

Bread and flour

Next, we will consider bread and flour Whole grain wheat flour was named the best. It contains 6 grams of fiber per 100 grams, normalizes bowel function and helps control cholesterol levels.

Only rolls with cinnamon and raisins are worse than cereal and bread. They contain a lot of sugar and refined flour, and little fiber.

Fruits and vegetables

Blackberries, cranberries, grapefruit, raspberries, lemons and oranges were found to be the healthiest plant foods. They are high in antioxidants and fiber, but low in calories.

Dried apples topped the list of least healthy fruits because they are high in calories and sugar. A medium-sized raw apple contains about 80 calories, and a dried apple contains 210 calories.

Dairy products

Greek yogurt is rich in calcium, iodine, vitamins D, B2, B12, zinc and probiotics.

In addition, it contains more protein than regular yogurt.

But processed cheese topped the list harmful products. It is high in salt, sugar, and flavorings.

Snacks and Sweets

The best snack is dark chocolate low-fat frozen yogurt, but only if , that it does not contain a lot of sugar. Such a dessert is rich in proteins, calcium, probiotics and antioxidants.

Simple popcorn and dark chocolate are also considered healthy snacks.

However, croissants do not contain fiber and nutrients, but are very fatty.< /p>

For three years, experts have analyzed and summarized scientific data on various characteristics of food products that have a positive or negative effect on health. They tested 8,032 foods and drinks, rating them on 54 different characteristics, to come up with a comprehensive ranking of foods in terms of their health benefits, from best to worst.

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Author: alex

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