The best and worst traits of each zodiac sign are named. Taurus are stubborn, and Virgos are wise

There is no doubt that every astrological sign has both good, strong and less positive sides.


Pros: brave and determined; have unsurpassed leadership qualities; know how to overcome obstacles.

Cons: impatient; capricious; get angry easily over little things; impulsive nature makes them weak when making decisions.


Pros: reliable and patient; have an excellent sense of beauty and loyalty; good friends.

Cons: stubborn and too possessive; uncompromising in their decisions.


Pros: adaptable and intelligent; have good communication skills.

Cons: nervous and cannot be consistent in their work; indecisive nature makes them those people who take a long time to make decisions.


Pros: intuitive and responsive; are distinguished by excessive concern for others.

Cons:moody and pessimistic; sometimes insecure about their partner, which becomes a problem in relationships.


Pros: confidence and charisma; have excellent leadership qualities and know how to be the soul of the company.

Cons: arrogant, a little stubborn, do not want to change decisions regardless of the circumstances; egocentric; they like to live in their own world.


Pros: wisdom and attention to detail; practical nature that helps them solve problems quickly.

Cons:the shyness that makes this sign introverts; they worry excessively and this leads to depression and anxiety.


Pros: diplomatic; have a strong mind, a good ability to resolve conflicts and harmoniously build relationships.

Cons: indecisiveness and avoidance of confrontation when it comes to fighting for feelings; can hold grudges for a long time.


Pros: passion and resourcefulness, as well as determination and emotional stability.

Cons:too mysterious, so it is difficult to reveal them completely; too jealous, and because of this they can lose close friends.


Pros: enthusiasm for life and optimism; tendency to seek new experiences.

Cons: very impatient; can make promises and not keep them.


Pros: discipline and responsibility; they are ambitious and achieve their goals; used to stability in life.

Cons: hard to forgive; you can expect the worst from them.


Pros: independence and sympathy for all living things; they are capable of progressive changes.

Cons: too emotional and used to dominate; suffer from a fiery temperament.


Pros: compassion and artistry, which means that this sign is creative and deeply feels art in all its manifestations .

Cons: they often feel fear; prone to too deep trust; seek to escape from reality.

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Author: alex

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