The best breakfast product for women over 50

Nutrition expert recommends women who have crossed the 50-year mark should eat protein for breakfast.

German nutritionist Amy Hudson states that at a certain age, protein products should become a mandatory part of the diet.

The specialist notes that there are age thresholds, beyond which a person begins to experience serious changes in the body that affect cells, muscles, and bones. And although it is impossible to stop this aging process, some changes in lifestyle and habits can help make it less dramatic.

Speaking about nutrition, Amy Hudson explains that a properly composed diet allows you to provide the body with a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins, which mitigates the negative consequences of changes that occur with the body at a “solid” age. The expert advises women over 50 to eat protein regularly, as their body begins to lose muscle mass, and protein is the best product for filling and strengthening muscle mass.

“The best food for women 50 and older is any product with a high protein content. As we age, the body loses approximately two to three percent of its muscle mass per decade. One of the most effective ways to prevent this is to eat high-quality protein with every meal, especially at breakfast,” said the nutritionist.

Expert advice. Hudson recommends that the first meal should contain from 25 to 30 grams of protein. In this way, the expert says, the body can produce the amino acid needed to maintain muscle mass. In addition, there is a “positive side effect”: after a protein breakfast, the feeling of satiety persists for a long time, which allows you to last until lunch without snacks that are harmful to the figure.

Here are the breakfast options offered by the specialist.

  • Greek yogurt with sugar-free muesli plus half a banana.
  • Eggs: boiled or in the form of an omelet, egg rolls.
  • Whole wheat bread sandwich with ham, cheese and vegetables.

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Author: alex

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