The best helpers: which 5 indoor plants will help defeat mold

Unfortunately, with the onset of cold weather, mold creeps into our cozy homes. You can try different ways of fighting it. However, as it turned out, indoor plants fight it most effectively.

Which indoor plants will defeat mold

Experts from Beards & Daisies noted that it is especially useful to buy plants for your home in the autumn and winter period. First, they will help improve air quality. Secondly, they will “take away” the same annoying mold from the house. In addition, an unexpected bonus: these room heroes don't even need special care.

What 5 plants will help fight mold:

  • Snakehead (also known as “Mother-in-law's tongue” ) – as a bonus, it will also filter the air;
  • Spider plant (like Spider-Man, but fights mold and toxins (even carbon monoxide);
  • Zamiokulkas (fits perfectly in the bath, as if it was there before you);
  • Peace lily (but be careful, if you have a pet at home, this vase can be toxic for furry ones);
  • Philodendron (can survive anything and survive).

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Author: alex

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